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Page Maintained by
Jonathan Winburn

Department of Political Science, University of Mississippi

Sixth Annual Conference on State Politics and Policy


May 19-20, 2006

Hosted by the Political Science Department at Texas Tech University and State Politics and Policy Quarterly

Conference Program (Including links to the papers)

The Conference

The Sixth Annual State Politics and Policy Conference will be held at Texas Tech University in Lubbock on May 19-20, 2006. Please review the Call for Paper Proposals if you are interested in presenting a paper at this conference. Note that the Deadline for Proposals is December 15th, 2005. Any questions you have about the conference should be directed to Nelson C. Dometrius (nelson.dometrius@ttu.edu), Brian Gerber (Brian.Gerber@mail.wvu.edu), or Cherie Maestas (cmaestas@mailer.fsu.edu).

Conference Information

General conference information is provided below. You can also learn more about the conference by going directly to the Texas Tech 2006 Conference Homepage.

Conference / Community Information.

Information about the Lubbock community, conference travel, and the conference hotel is available through a link to the 2006 State Politics and Policy Conference on the web page of the Texas Tech Department of Political Science, http://www.depts.ttu.edu/politicalscience/.

Hotel & Local Transportation.

The conference hotel is the Embassy Suites Lubbock. It is an all-suite hotel. Conference rates are for 1-2 people per room. A 3rd or 4th person can be added for an extra $10. The hotel provides complimentary cocktails in the evening and cooked-to-order (not pre-packaged cardboard) breakfasts each morning. The hotel also provides shuttle service to and from Lubbock International Airport. Cab fare from the airport to the hotel is approximately $25 plus $2 for each extra person. Royal Coach Towne Car Service (mostly Lincoln town cars) charges slightly less, about $22-$24 plus $2 for each extra person. View the hotel and its features at www.embassysuiteslubbock.com.

The conference will be held on the campus of Texas Tech University. The conference will provide bus transportation from the hotel to the conference center each morning and back to the hotel each evening, as well as between the hotel and the Buddy Holly Center for Friday evening’s dinner. Participants staying at other hotels will need to arrange their own local travel to the campus conference site and events.

Conference Times, Meals & Supplies.

The conference will begin at approximately 9:00 a.m. Friday morning (leave the hotel between 8:30-8:45) and continue through approximately 5:00 p.m. that day. Participants will then be briefly returned to the hotel and picked up again about 6:00-6:30 for a barbeque dinner at the Buddy Holly Center. One bus will return from the Buddy Holly Center to the Hotel at approximately 9:00 p.m. For those staying to enjoy the Depot Entertainment District surrounding the Buddy Holly Center, a second bus will leave the Center for the hotel later that evening. The conference will continue starting at approximately 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning and conclude early afternoon approximately 2:00-3:00 p.m.

The conference organizers will provide lunch Friday and Saturday and dinner Friday night. Refreshments will also be provided during the conference.

Associated Conference on Redistricting

On Thursday afternoon, May 18, from approximately 12:30 – 5:45 p.m. an associated conference on redistricting will also be taking place. The redistricting conference will be held at the conference hotel. Those arriving early for the state politics conference are welcome to register for and attend the redistricting conference panels. Panelists for the redistricting conference will consist of a combination of academics, journalists, and current or former elected officials. There will also be a dinner from approximately 7:00-9:00 p.m. Thursday evening for redistricting conference registered participants and attendees. Click Here for more information.

Poster Session / Graduate Student Participants

This year’s conference will feature a graduate student poster session designed to showcase the promising new scholars in state politics. Some senior scholars will serve as discussant / mentors for the session, reviewing each paper with the presenters. The poster session will have its own time slot, not conflicting with a panel, so that all may attend. Members of the state politics and policy community are encouraged to participate in the poster session, discussing with presenters both their research and any upcoming job openings of which they may be aware. A guide will be provided as part of the conference materials listing all graduate student participants along with an abstract of their research interests and accomplishments.

Closing Roundtable

The conference will close early Saturday afternoon with a wrap-up panel and audience discussion. The roundtable will include a number of current or former journal editors or section / association presidents attending the conference. Members will comment on conference presentations as a whole identifying topics, research strategies, methodological approaches, and data resources that offer the greatest promise for both near-term publication and long term knowledge-building in state politics and policy.

Electronic paper postings

As authors complete their papers (including papers presented as posters) they should be submitted electronically. Links to each full paper will be included on the conference program and posted on both the Texas Tech conference web site and the web site of the State Politics and Policy section maintained at Florida State University.

Honoraria and Fees

Conference sponsors will provide honoraria for each paper presented at the conference, including poster session papers. If a paper has multiple authors, the authors will be invited later to declare how the honorarium should be distributed among the authors. The exact amount of the honoraria will be determined by the funds available after the conclusion of the conference. If funds are available at the conclusion of the conference, we will attempt to provide larger honoraria for graduate student authored papers, particularly where multiple graduate student authors of a paper attend the conference.

No registration fee will be charged to authors of papers presented at the conference. Individuals participating on the program as invited discussants or panel chairs only will not receive honoraria, but will also not be charged any registration fee for the conference or its activities. This applies to those on the program of either the State Politics and Policy Conference or the Redistricting Conference. For those attending as observers (not on either program in any role) there will be a $45 registration fee will for the State Politics and Policy Conference and a $20 registration fee for the Redistricting Conference. A $60 fee will be charged for both conferences combined. The observer fees are to cover the cost of meals, refreshments, and related services provided by the conference. We desire to make conference attendance as widely available as possible. Should anyone be interested in attending the conference and able to forego some of these services, s/he should contact the conference organizers and we will make every effort to reduce the fees accordingly.

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