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Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
May 8, 2003 7:00 PM, School of Education, Room 153

Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7:10 p.m.

Present: Edmund Acevedo, Aileen Ajootian, John Bentley, Nancy Bercaw, Luca Bombelli, Robert Brown, John Bruce, Daisy Cheng, Rick Elam, Michelle Emanuel, Laurdella Foulkes-Levy, Charles Ingene, Ahmed Kishk, Amy E. Mark, Clifford Ochs, Anne Quinney, James Reid, David Rock, Bobbie Smothers,Warren Steel, Steven Stodghill, Diane Tidwell, Joseph Urgo, Nancy Wiggers, Dawn Wilkins, Haidong Wu

Absent: Donna Adler*, Milam Aiken*, Brahram Alidaee*, Deborah Barker, Victoria Bush*, Judith Cassidy*, Wei-Yin Chen, Laurie Cozad, Gregg Davidson, Steven Davis*, Kirsten Dellinger, Kris Gilliland*, Matthew Hall*, Michael Ponton*, Charles Ross, John Schetz*, Ken Sufka*, Annette Trefzer*, Charles West
* Prior notification

I. Old Business
A. Minutes
of the April 10, 2003 Senate meeting were approved without dissent.

II. New Business
A. Reports from the Committees

1. Academic Affairs, Chair Michael Ponton, see items II.B & II.E
2. Academic Support Services,
Michelle Emanuel; no new business.
3. Faculty Governance, Chair Joe Urgo; no new business.
4. Finance Committee, Chair John Schetz; no new business.
5. University Services: Chair, James Reid; no new business.

B. Senator Ingene moved that the changes to the M-Book with respect to Plagiarism be accepted/2nd Brown; motion passed without dissent. To view Change to M-Book with respect to Plagiarism, see: General Academic Affairs Subcommittee Report.

C. Quadrennial Reviews, Governance committee
Senator Acedevdo moved that the recommendation be considered for only Deans and above/2nd Senator Ochs; motion passed without dissent.

Senator Brown moved that the materials include a vision statement/2nd Senator Smothers; motion passed without dissent.

Senator Ingene moved that any addition suggestions be sent to Senator Urgo with the intention that the Senate will vote on this issue in August 2003/2nd Senator Mark; motion passed without dissent.

D. Spam survey has been assigned to Academic Support Services, which will develop a short faculty survey on spam to send out in August. Senator Wilkins will assist with putting the survey on the Internet.

E. Development of a faculty discipline policy
Senator Acevedo moved that the Senate develop a faculty discipline/2nd Senator Ochs; motion passed without dissent.
Chair Rock assigned this issue to the Academic Affairs Committee. Senator Smothers suggested that an attorney serve on the committee. Senator Adler was suggested.

F. Resolution to honor Dr. T. P. Vinson
Senator Steel moved that this resolution will be read and voted on Friday, May 9, 2003 at the Full Faculty meeting/2nd Senator Wilkins; motion passed without dissent.

G. Academic Standards for Student Athletes
Report on faculty governance meeting re: academic standards for student athletes in the SEC.

Commissioners of the NCAA and the SEC spoke of their goals:

Possible goals for University of Mississippi student athletes:

  1. The University of Mississippi is committed to admitting only those students who are academically prepared for collegiate work; therefore, on average, the academic qualifications of entering student athletes should be comparable to all other admitted students.
  2. The University of Mississippi is committed to educating all students within their chosen disciplines; therefore, on average, the GPA of student athletes should be comparable to all other students with similar academic majors throughout their curriculums.
  3. The University of Mississippi is committed to graduating qualified students within their chosen disciplines; therefore, on average, the graduation rate of student athletes should be comparable to all other students with similar academic majors.

Senator Ingene moved to forward number 1 to the Chancellor; motion died lack of second.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

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