The name of the organization, "The Senate of the Faculty of the University of Mississippi", as stated in the Constitution and Bylaws, applies to the faculty's senate at the Oxford campus. Hereinafter, the organization is designated "the Senate".


The purpose of these Bylaws is to provide interpretations of the Constitution and to supply additional procedural rules to expedite the business of the organization.


Section 1. Eligible Faculty

The definition of Eligible Faculty does not include the following:

a. Part-time faculty fully engaged in teaching University classes;

b. Instructors;

c. Support faculty including Acting Professors, Adjunct Professors, Visiting Professors, Research Professors (i.e. Research Associate and Assistant Professors and Research Associates), and Lecturers.

Section 2. Membership Quota

References to the colleges and schools in the Constitution have been interpreted regularly to include the colleges and schools in which faculty are budgeted and thus do not include the Graduate School.

Section 3. Provision for Rotation

Section 4. Term of Office

a. The term of office shall begin with the organizational meeting in May.

b. A senator rotated off the Senate, as provided in Article III, Section 4, of the Constitution, will become eligible for a new term after one calendar year.

c. In recognition that a member occasionally may have to miss a Senate meeting due to professional responsibilities or personal emergency, such a miss will be an excused absence when prior notice has been given to the Chairman or Secretary.

Section 5. Nominations

Tie votes shall be resolved by drawing of lots.

Section 6. Election

Tie votes shall be resolved by drawing of lots.

Section 7. Selection of Substitute Members of the Senate

Section 8. The Committee on Elections

a. Members of the Committee on Elections will serve throughout their term or terms of office as senators.

b. Elections to fill vacancies will be carried out in the respective school caucuses held during the May organizational meeting, or during the next meeting after a vacancy is reported to the Senate Chairman.

c. The Vice Chair of the Senate will convene the Committee on Elections prior to the June meeting of the Senate, at which time the Committee members will elect the Chair. The Committee Chair shall be responsible for coordinating the elections process, for updating the Senate Elections Committee Handbook, and for reporting the election results to the Chair of the Faculty Senate.

d. The members of the Committee on Elections will conduct elections for the Promotion and Tenure Review Committee and the Sabbatical Leave Review Committee (to be completed by October 1), the Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee (to be completed by November 1), and the Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee (to be completed by January 1), in the following manner:

i. Elections within the college, each school and the library faculty shall be conducted by the member(s) of the Committee on Elections from that academic unit. The Committee on Elections must authenticate all ballots to be used.

ii. Prior to the second week of the fall semester, a census to determine eligible faculty shall be taken. The members shall request from each department chair (or Dean in the case of single academic units) a list of eligible faculty as defined in the University policy that governs these committees (see the Handbook for Faculty and Staff). The standard form for this procedure is contained in the Senate Elections Committee Handbook. This census shall be the official list of eligible faculty for these committees; a copy of that census for each academic unit shall be sent to the Executive Committee of the Senate for its review.

iii. For each committee vacancy, the members of the Committee on Elections shall determine the eligible faculty and send them a notice of the vacancy, allowing faculty the opportunity to decline nomination within ten calendar days. The standard form for this procedure is contained in the Senate Elections Committee Handbook.

iv. The members of the Committee on Elections shall then prepare and send to each eligible faculty member a nomination ballot listing all eligible and non-declining faculty, requesting up to three nominations for each vacancy, to be returned within ten calendar days, and declaring when and where the votes shall be counted. The standard form for this procedure is contained in the Senate Elections Committee Handbook.

v. The members of the Committee on Elections shall then prepare and send to each eligible faculty member an election ballot listing the three individuals receiving the most nomination ballots, to be returned within ten calendar days, and declaring when and where the votes shall be counted. If there is a tie for any of the three slots, all of the involved individuals shall be listed on the election ballot. The standard form for this procedure is contained in the Senate Elections Committee Handbook.

vi. The nominee with a majority or with the most votes, provided that person has received at least 40% of the votes cast, shall be declared the winner. Ties will be broken by casting lots. If there is no such winner, a run-off election will be held between the two individuals receiving the most votes. The run-off election ballot should be prepared and returned in the same manner as the initial election ballot. The standard form for this procedure is contained in the Senate Elections Committee Handbook.

vii. Faculty elected to the committees must be in residence. Faculty who take a sabbatical leave or leave of absence for a semester or more are considered to have resigned, effective the date their leave officially begins. When vacancies occur, the individuals placing second and third, respectively, shall be declared the first and second alternates who will serve the remaining terms for elected individuals unable to complete their terms. Should the alternate list be depleted, a new election will be held.

viii. Elections results, including the ranking of alternates, shall be sent to the Chair of the Committee on Elections who will transmit them to the Chair of the Faculty Senate and to all appropriate departmental chairs and Deans for posting. All ballots and tally sheets should be retained by the appropriate members of the Committee on Elections for one calendar year for inspection by the Chair of the Senate or by the Executive Committee of the Senate.

e. The members of the Committee on Elections will conduct elections for the Senate of the Faculty in the following manner:

i. Elections within the college, each school and the library faculty shall be conducted by the member(s) of the Committee on Elections from that academic unit, using the following procedures:

ii. Prior to the second month of the spring semester, a census to determine the quotas for each academic unit shall be taken. The members of the Committee on Elections shall request from each department chair (or Dean in the case of single academic units) a list of all eligible faculty as defined by the Constitution. This census shall establish the official quotas for each academic unit for the coming academic year. A copy of the census for each unit shall be sent to the Executive Committee of the Senate for its review.

iii. By February 15, members of the Committee on Elections shall determine the quota for their units and send their faculty a notice allowing them the opportunity to decline nomination within ten calendar days. The standard form for this procedure is contained in the Senate Elections Committee Handbook.

iv. By March 1, members of the Committee on Elections shall send eligible faculty a list of the faculty eligible to serve during the coming academic year, to be returned within ten calendar days, and declaring when and where the votes shall be counted. In each unit, a voting faculty member may nominate a number of qualified candidates equal to, or less than, the number of senators to be elected by that unit. The standard form for this procedure is contained in the Senate Elections Committee Handbook.

v. By March 13, members of the Committee on Elections shall prepare and send to each eligible faculty member an election ballot listing the nominees, to be returned by March 22, and declaring when and where the votes shall be counted. In all units the candidates on the election ballot shall be those persons receiving the largest number of nominations, with twice the number of candidates listed as there are positions to be filled. The standard form for this procedure is contained in the Senate Elections Committee Handbook.

vi. The nominees with the largest number of votes shall be declared the winners. Ties will be broken by casting lots. The standard form for this procedure is contained in The Senate Elections Committee Handbook.

vii. Faculty elected to the Senate must be in residence. Faculty who go on sabbatical leave or who take a leave of absence for a semester or more are considered to have resigned effective the date their leave officially begins. Candidates not elected shall be ranked according to the number of votes received. When vacancies within a unit occur, their replacements will be taken from the list as ranked. Should the alternate list be depleted, a new election will be held.

viii. Election results, including the ranking of alternates, shall be sent to the Chair of the Committee on Elections who will transmit them to the Chair of the Faculty Senate and to all appropriate departmental chairs or Deans for posting. All ballots and tally sheets should be retained by the appropriate members of the Committee on Elections for one calendar year for inspection by the Chair of the Senate or by the Executive Committee of the Senate.

f. The members of the Committee on Elections will also conduct spring elections (to be completed by April 15) using the list of eligible faculty resulting from the spring census for the Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, Research Board, and External Academic Affairs Committee. These spring semester committee elections will be conducted in the same manner as the fall semester committee elections, described above in paragraph d, iii-viii.

Section 9. Duties of Senate Officers

a. Chairman of the Senate. The duties of the Chairman are:

(1) An organizational meeting of the new Senate shall be called by the Chair of the previous year to meet not later than the first week of May, at which meeting the Senate shall elect a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. The immediate past chair shall not be eligible for an elected office during the year following incumbency. The officers of the Senate shall be the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Secretary, and the immediate past Chair. These officers along with the elected Chairs of the following five standing committees: General Academic Affairs, Academic Support Affairs, Finance University Services, and Faculty Governance of Academic Policy shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Senate. Election of the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary shall be by ballot of the entire Senate. Each Senate standing committee shall elect its own chair who will appoint Senate committee representatives to the University Standing Committees. Senate committee membership shall be determined by the aforementioned five Senate officers, but continuing Senate members shall retain their previous committee membership if they so desire.

(2) To preside over meetings of the Senate and over meetings of the Executive Committee;

(3) To represent the general faculty at the meetings of the Academic Council and at meetings of any administrative council or advisory body established by the Chancellor or any Vice Chancellor to assist in administering the affairs of the University;

(4) To notify faculty members of their election to membership in the Senate and to invite them to decline membership if other commitments would interfere with their attendance at the scheduled meetings of the Senate;

(5) With the concurrence of the Executive Committee, to prepare and distribute notices of meetings of the Senate with agendas. Such notices shall be distributed at least seven days prior to all regular meetings;

(6) To send a memorandum to the Chancellor, not more than a week after each meeting; calling attention to any resolutions passed by the Senate and other matters of importance that arose;

(7) To serve as the signatory officer of the Senate's account budgeted by the University and as custodian of any other Senate funds. To make or authorize all expenditures necessary for the conduct of the business of the Senate. To maintain adequate financial records, and to report to the Senate at the January meeting the state of the Senate's finances;

(8) To supervise and co-ordinate the work of the Senate's various standing and ad hoc committees;

(9) To perform all other functions of a chairman of an organization.

b. Vice Chairman of the Senate. The duties of the Vice Chairman are:

(1) To preside over meetings of the Senate in the absence of the Chairman;

(2) To substitute for the Chairman, when necessary, at meetings of the Academic Council or other organizations or functions when the Chairman would normally be present ex officio;

(3) To monitor attendance at scheduled meetings of the Senate, to encourage future attendance of those members absent from consecutive meetings, and to recommend resignations from those who encounter scheduling conflicts and become unable to attend Senate meetings.

c. Secretary-Treasurer of the Senate. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer are:

(1) To keep a record of attendance at Senate meetings, and also of members' absences, and whether advance notice was given of absences, all of which shall be included in the minutes;

(2) To prepare the minutes of Senate meetings for duplication and distribution by the Chairman to all members of the Faculty. The minutes are to be provided to the Chairman within two weeks of the meeting. The Chairman is to distribute the minutes at least a week before the subsequent meeting;

(3) To serve as the co-signatory officer with the Chairman of all Senate accounts;

(4) To maintain an archive in the Williams Library of the records of the Senate, including all monthly meeting agendas, minutes and the Chairman's advisory memoranda to the Chancellor.

d. Executive Committee of the Senate. The Chairmen of the four Standing Committees designated by the Constitution together with the four officers of the Senate comprise the Executive Committee of the Senate.

Section 10. Committees.

a. Standing Committees:

Standing Committees of the Senate may be authorized by the Constitution or the Bylaws.

b. Special (or ad hoc) Committees may be established by resolution of the Senate. These committees shall be automatically terminated at the regular June meeting of the Senate unless continued by resolution of the Senate.

c. The following standing committees are authorized:

(1) Executive Committee

(2) Committee on Elections

Besides conducting elections to the Senate, the committee also conducts elections to the Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, the Campus Tenure Review Committee, the Tenure/Promotions Appeals Committee, the Sabbatical Leave Review Committee, Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, Research Board, and the External Academic Affairs Committee in accordance with any procedures laid down with respect to each of them in the HANDBOOK FOR FACULTY AND STAFF.

(3) Committee on University Standing Committees

(a) The committee will be composed of two Senate members from the College of Liberal Arts and one from each of the other voting units;

(b) Members of the Committee will serve throughout their term or terms of membership in the Senate;

(c) When necessary, new members of the committee will be elected by school caucuses at the regular June meeting or the next meeting after a vacancy is made known to the Senate Chairman;

(d) The committee members will elect their chair each year at their first meeting following the conclusion of the June meeting of the Senate;

(e) The Committee is charged with the responsibility of selecting candidates from the university faculty for membership on all University standing committees. The Committee's recommendations will be submitted to the Senate at the April meeting, at which meeting the Senate will act upon their recommendations. The roster of candidates adopted by the Senate will be recommended to the Chancellor for appointment to the designated University Standing Committees for a term of twelve months from the date of their appointment;

(f) In the event an appointee to one of the University standing committees is unable to serve, the Committee on Standing Committees will recommend a replacement to the Executive Committee of the Senate. Upon the Executive Committee's approval of the replacement, the name of the new appointee will be sent to the Chancellor.

(4) Committee on General Academic Affairs whose responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, such matters as academic freedom and tenure, teacher evaluation, curriculum and university policies.

(5) Committee on Academic Support Affairs whose responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, such matters as libraries and collections, computer services, continuing education, student affairs, and planning, priorities and development.

(6) Committee on Finance whose responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, such matters as faculty compensation, fringe benefits and the budget, financial and organizational information of this and other universities, developing expertise in analyzing and building university budgets, and making reports to the Senate and faculty on these matters, and making recommendations to the Senate on these matters. The committee will present annually to the Senate summary budget reports of the previous year's income and expenditures and of the anticipated income and expenditures for the current year.

(7) Committee on University Services whose responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, such matters as athletics and recreation, bookstore, food services, housing, and traffic.

(8) Committee on University Budget and Finance whose responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, ongoing study of the budget, financial and organizational information of this and other universities; developing expertise in analyzing and building university budgets; making reports to the Senate and faculty on these matters; and making recommendations to the Senate on these matters.

(9) Committee on Faculty Governance of Academic Policy whose responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, matters of policies, procedures, and practices by which the faculty establishes and governs academic policy of the University and other matters within the purview of faculty governance in a university setting.

d. Selection of Members to the Senate's Standing Committees:

(1) Membership on certain standing committees is ex officio and members are selected as provided by the Constitution (Executive Committee), or by election to membership as provided by the Constitution (Committee on Elections) or by election by school or college caucuses (Committee on University Standing Committees) or by appointment (all others);

(2) The tenure of each appointed committee member continues for the duration of that member's term or terms as Senator;

(3) At or prior to the organizational meeting of the Senate in May, new members will be given opportunity to submit written committee assignment preferences. The Chairman and Executive Committee, as far as possible, and consistent with maintaining a reasonable balance in numbers and voting unit representation on each committee, will take these preferences into consideration in making the appointments to standing committees;

(4) A member coming into the Senate in mid-year to replace a Senator who has resigned from the Senate will always be assigned for the remainder of the term to the same committee on which the Senator whose place he or she has taken was serving;

(5) Each standing committee shall, unless otherwise provided for, elect its own chairman for the year at the first regular meeting in June. Whenever a committee is without a chairman, the Chairman of the Senate shall appoint a convener. Promptly after this appointment, the convener shall call a committee meeting for the election of a new chairman.

e. The number of members of the Executive Committee and the Committee on Elections is determined by the Constitution. Each of the standing committees shall have not less than five members.

f. All standing committees except the Committee on Elections and the Committee on Committees shall meet at the call of one or more members of the committee, and not less than twice each semester.

g. Each committee chairman shall provide a summary report of the committee activities at every regular meeting of the Senate.

h. The Committee on Faculty Governance of Academic Policy is governed by the provisions set out herein instead of by the provisions applicable to the formation of other committees.

(1) The Executive Committee of the Senate shall appoint, with the approval of the Senate, the committee members and the chairman of the committee annually for one-year terms, except that an appointment shall remain effective until the Executive Committee obtains a successor. The committee shall include two members from the College of Liberal Arts and one member from each of the schools and from the Library faculty, and the Senate expects a measure of continuity for the committee, which can only be achieved by service of longer than one-year terms. Appointments and membership shall be reported promptly to the Senate.

(2) Eligibility for service on the committee shall be the same as eligibility for service in the Senate except that a person shall be eligible to serve on the committee even though not eligible at that time for election to a new term in the Senate. At least two members of the committee shall be members of the Senate.

Section 11. Meetings of the Senate

a. The regular monthly meeting of the Senate shall be held on the second Thursday of each month, provided classes are in session on that day. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will end at or before 9:00 p.m. By the first Thursday of August, the Executive Committee shall establish a calendar of regular monthly meetings for the next twelve months, setting alternate meeting dates and times for those months in which classes are not in session on the second Thursday. There shall be no regular meeting of the Senate in June or July, but the Executive Committee shall meet during those months.

b. The duration of a regular monthly meeting may be extended beyond 9:00 p.m. only by a motion approved by at least two-thirds of the Senators present and voting.

c. Regular meetings of the Senate will be held as prescribed by the Constitution.

d. Regular meetings of the Senate are open to visitors, except that the Senate may, for any meeting, upon a motion approved by a three-fifths vote of all members present, go into executive session for discussion of a "personnel" matter, or any other matter allowable under the pertinent sections of the State's Open Meetings Law (Sec. 25-41-1 et seq., Mississippi Code Annotated, 1972).

e. A visitor may only address the Senate if invited to do so by the Chairman; and, unless the visitor is making a presentation to the Senate, a Senator may only address a visitor through the Chairman.

f. To facilitate the purpose and functions of the Senate, the Chancellor of the University shall be invited to address the Senate annually, and the Chairman shall request that the Chancellor review the disposition of the Senate's recommendations of the past year during the address.

Section 12. Procedural Authority

Section 13. Quorum

Section 14. Agenda Procedures

a. A new motion or resolution for the consideration of the Senate must be submitted in writing. Motions or resolutions that are not amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws can be placed on the agenda of the Senate as follows:

(1) By presenting the written motion or resolution to a meeting of the Senate for placement on the agenda of the next regular monthly meeting;

(2) By distributing the written motion or resolution to the membership of the Senate at least one week prior to the next regular monthly meeting, in which case it will be placed on the agenda of that meeting;

(3) By presenting the written motion or resolution at a meeting of the Senate together with a written motion for suspension of the rules and immediate consideration. The motion to suspend the rules must be approved by a three-fourths vote of all members present and voting;

(4) By giving the written motion or resolution to the Executive Committee not less than one week prior to the next meeting.

b. Motions concerning matters on the agenda may be made orally from the floor but must be reduced to writing and delivered to the Secretary before the vote will be taken on them, if either the Chairman or one or more members so request.

c. An amendment to the Constitution or Bylaws can be placed on the agenda to be considered at the next Senate meeting by majority vote of those present and voting.


These Bylaws may be amended by placing a motion on the Senate's agenda as provided for in Section 14 c. When the motion to amend is considered, the Senate may adopt the motion originally presented, or an amended motion, or reject the motion.

Revised November 1, 1975; April 12, 1978; 1981; July 1990; August 1990; April 1991; February 1992; March 1992; April 1995; March 1997; December 9, 1998; February 11, 1999; April 29, 1999.