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The University of Mississippi

Faculty Senate Memorandum

Department of Management and Marketing

University, MS 38677

Phone: (601) 232-7741 Fax: (601) 232-5821

At the May meeting of the Senate of the Faculty, the following actions were taken:

1) The Senate discussed the Football game on Thursday, November 6 with the following


a. Is it possible to consult faculty before such decisions are made? If we had a

choice between a Thursday-televised game and a Saturday-non-televised game, why

did we pick Thursday? The AD should not be overriding the academic function.

b. Staff probably need to be out of here to avoid being blocked in - this is at "full

pay" for these individuals, particularly hourly employees, is it not?

c. Ensure that the AD is informing donors NOW that this game will be different for

them - consider running shuttles for the donors as opposed to disrupting campus

d. Ensure that UPD and/or security works to prevent cars with hang tags from being

blocked in by fans.

2) The Senate passed the first 2 motions concerning changes to the Standing University

Committees. In essence, the Senate agreed that an "umbrella" structure may increase

flexibility, reduce the number of faculty involved, and retain faculty voice in governance.

Further, the Senate approved the 7 operational guidelines for the Standing University

Committees and agreed to break into groups during the June meeting of the Senate to put

some specific suggestions with each of the umbrella units.

3) The Senate passed the Policy on Extraordinary Teaching Assignments and added the

following comment:

Distance learning should be considered as an extraordinary teaching assignment,

particularly in the evening. Continuing studies has control, how does the Senate interact

with Continuing Studies?

4) The Senate passed the Policy on Class Enrollment by Members of the Instructor's

Immediate Family with the following "friendly amendment" suggested changes.

1st line, may consider adding, "or analogous relationships."

Remove the phrase, "such as requiring that the student be graded on a pass-fail basis."

from the last sentence. Pass/fail would create a disparity for the A,B,C,D,F students and

actually make it easier on the relative than the rest of the students. Since, "...the

department chairperson or dean may impose special conditions." seems to cover the

intent, the suggestion was to shorten that sentence.

The University of Mississippi

Interoffice Memorandum


University, MS 38677

Phone: (601) 232-5317; Fax: (601) 232-5280;

E-mail: gww@olemiss.edu

TO: Academic Deans and Chair of the Senate of the Faculty

FROM: Gerald W. Walton

DATE: April 21, 1997

SUBJECT: Football Game on November 6

As some of you are no doubt aware, the University of Mississippi will host a football game on this campus on the evening of Thursday, November 6. Remembering reaction to the Thursday-evening game in Memphis last fall, I immediately reacted by inquiring why we agreed to a Thursday game. The response was that we do not really have a choice: we belong to the Southeastern Conference, and that association is bound by contracts negotiated by the television stations.

I think it would be good to get reactions and do some planning before the end of the current semester. Obviously there will be a good deal of traffic on the campus and a great deal of activity in such places as the Grove. I have categorically ruled out the possibility of dismissing classes, even though I suspect that a number of students will cut classes on Thursday afternoon and possibly on Friday. Should we, however, consider dismissing staff members at noon in order to free up some parking spaces and cut down on the traffic? There are, I am sure, a number of similar matters we might discuss.

If you have thoughts about this matter before we have any formal discussion, I will appreciate your memos, e-mail messages, or phone calls.

Thank you very much.

Gerald W. Walton

Attachment B: Phase I of Standing University Committee Revisions

Revisions to the Standing Committees are complicated and will require input from several sources. The Senate intends to begin the revision process, paying particular attention to the need for flexibility in topics considered by committees as well as representation. Specific motions to be considered in May are shown on the reverse side of this form.

Advisory Standing Committees

1. Student Affairs Committee

1. Scholastic Competition

2. University Judicial Council**

3. Student Housing

4. Student Organizations

5. Student Publications

6. Student Financial Aid

7. Academic Discipline

8. Admiss/Orient/Reg/Advise

9 Refunds

2. Faculty Affairs Committee

1. Academic Freedom & Faculty


2. Outstanding Teacher Award (as


3. Commencement

4. Honors Day

5. Junior College Liaison

6. International Programs

7. Tenure and Promotion Appeals

(tenured & associate+ only)

8. Tenure & Promotion Review

(tenured & associate + only)

9. Summer Session

10. Faculty Club **Potential new**

3. Staff/Faculty Benefits Committee

1. Retirement & Insurance

2. Housing of Faculty & Staff

4. Cultural Events

1. Artist Series

2. Museums

3. University Lecture Series

5. Library/Special Collections


6. Technology Enhancement

1. Computer Center

2. TeleProductions Resource Center

7. Environmental Safety

1. Biological Safety

2. Chemical Safety

3. Occupational Safety

4. Radiation Safety

8. University Affairs Committee

1. Recreational Facilities/Turner


2. Campus Improvements

3. Campus-wide petitions

4. Maintenance & Upkeep**

Potential New **

5. Traffic Safety

Policy Committees

Academic Council

Undergraduate Council

Graduate Council

University Research Board

University Planning Council

Proposed Motions (at this time):

1. The proposed structure for the Advisory Standing Committees relies on "umbrella"

committees that would then coordinate the work of the sub-committees listed on the

reverse side of this page. [The intention is that any ad hoc committee needed may be

fulfilled by an "umbrella" unit that would then create an ad hoc committee, if necessary,

for that topic area.]

2. Proposed Operational Guidelines for the Advisory Standing Committees

1. Subcommittees meet when needed/called by the Umbrella Committee

2. Annual reports are sent to the Chancellor, Provost and the Senate of the Faculty

3. All Umbrella Committees shall meet at least biannually and shall convene within

the first 21 days of the semester to determine sub-committee assignments.

4. The Chancellor and/or the Provost shall assign tasks to the appropriate Umbrella

Committee that will then make assignments to subcommittees.

5. Individuals should not Lead, or Chair, committees that have direct responsibility

for his/her area of work. These individuals should be ex officio members only.

6. All ad hoc committees currently in operation should be re-assigned to Standing

Umbrella Committees, if at all feasible.

7. Administration may add staff, student, or additional faculty representation to

standing committees where appropriate.

The Senate of the Faculty should (will?) use Summer Sessions of the Senate to form eight

work teams to revise descriptions of the Umbrella and subcommittees; provide

suggestions as to the number and source of faculty for Umbrella Committees; initial

suggestions as to the number of staff and student representatives, and suggestions as to

the composition and responsibilities of each of the subcommittees in that unit.

4. Issues identified which seem to need Senate consideration may include (but are not

limited to):

a. 2 or 3-year appointments to the Standing Committees, with alternates available to

replace those who resign or who leave the University (as opposed to annual

replacement currently)

b. Staggered terms in key committees for continuity

c. Appointments of faculty senate representatives to these committees (if reports do

in fact come to the Senate from the Umbrellas, can we relax the need for a Faculty

Senate Rep assigned to each; select critical areas for Senate representation...)

d. New cornmittee suggestions (i.e. Maintenance and Upkeep; Faculty Club;

University Judicial Council) and ad hoc requests - organized and implemented by

the Umbrellas?

e. Other issues identified in the Senate Meeting, May 2, 1997

Policy on Extraordinary Teaching Assignments

The University of Mississippi has experienced significant enrollment growth at off-campus centers located in Southaven, Tupelo, and Jackson. Other off-campus sites may be designated in the future. In addition, various academic departments and programs offer classes on the Oxford campus during the evenings (classes beginning after 5:00 p.m.) and on weekends. This policy addresses the terms and conditions that guide the making of the teaching assignments required to staff the courses offered at these extraordinary times and locations.

It is the policy of the University that extraordinary teaching assignments be made on a voluntary basis only. To that end, the University shall regularly make available within each department or school a list of the courses it seeks to offer at extraordinary times and places. Department chairs and deans may also advertise extraordinary teaching opportunities and they may canvas faculty as to their interest in teaching such courses.

Inasmuch as the teaching of courses offered off-campus or after-hours frequently imposes an added burden relative to a faculty member's normal teaching responsibilities on the Oxford campus, it is the policy of the University to provide appropriate compensation to those who agree to accept extraordinary teaching assignments. This special compensation, which will be in addition to any reimbursement due the faculty member for expenses related to travel, meals, and lodging, may be in the form of a salary enhancement, a teaching load reduction, or other such consideration as mutually agreed to by the faculty member and department chairperson at the time the assignment is made.

Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility 10 April 1997

Policy on Class Enrollment by Members of the Instructor's Immediate Family

Because of the appearance of a potential conflict of interest, spouses, parents, children, and siblings of faculty members at the University of Mississippi are discouraged from enrolling in courses taught by that faculty member. Situations may nevertheless arise where, in order to complete the requirements for a degree or to fulfill some other valid educational purpose, immediate family members may wish to enroll in a course taught by a faculty member.

Whenever an immediate family member of an instructor seeks to enroll in a course taught by that faculty member, the instructor must obtain prior and explicit approval for such enrollment from the department chairperson or appropriate academic dean. In granting special permission for an immediate family member to enroll in the instructor's course, the department chairperson or dean may impose special conditions such as requiring that the student be graded on a pass-fail basis.

Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility 10 April 1997

5) New officers were elected for the 1997-98 Senate. They are Karen Green, Chair; Ed Sisson, Vice Chair; and Mark Tew. Secretary/Treasurer.

6) Sheila Skemp was elected to serve as faculty senate representative to the University Planning Council.

7) After the meeting, new senators elected the following committee chairs:

General Academic Affairs-Conrad Cunningham

Academic Support-Laura Harper

University Services-Billy Barrios

Finance-Lewis Smith

Faculty Governance-T.J. Ray