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Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
January 20, 2005 @ 4:45 PM

Thad Cochran Research Center (Natural Products Center), Room 2066

Meeting began with a count of 27 making a quorum at 5:23

 Present: Edmund Acevedo, Donna Adler, Robert Albritton, Bahram Alidaee, Janice Bounds, Judith Cassidy, Alice Cooper, Jeffrey Jackson, Greg Johnson, Diane Marting, Daniel O’Sullivan, Scott Owens, Elizabeth Payne, Michael Repka, Sidney Rowland, Bill Scott, Paul Secunda, Laura Sheppardson, Elizabeth Stephan, Dan Subramanian, Joe Sumrall, Randy Wadkins, Michael Waterstone, Nancy Wicker, Kathleen Wickham, Alexander Yakovlev, Fan Yang

Absent:  Milam Aiken, Victoria Bush, Laurie Cozad, Conrad Cunningham, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam*, Garey Fox*, Ray Fulton, Matthew Hall, Jamie Harker, Charles Ingene, Ivo Kamps, Fred Laurenzo, Chris McCurdy, Jennifer Mizenko, Warren Steel, Mary Thurlkill, Joe Urgo*, Kristine Willett*, John Winkle, Haidong Wu

* Prior Notification

I.                   Old Business

A. Minutes of the December 9, 2004

Greg Johnson not under present but was here

John Winkle’s name is misspelled under present

Senator Davis motioned

Senator Repka Seconded

Motion to make changes to December’s meeting accepted

II.                Election of Officers

A. Election of Chair-Elect


John Winkle (by Senator Payne)

Senator Winkle declines nomination

Jeffrey Jackson (by Senator Laurenzo)

Senator Jackson declines nomination

Donna Davis (by Senator Wickham)

Senator Davis accepted

B. Election of Secretary/Treasurer

Owens (by Senator Acevedo)

Senator Scott moved

Senator Owens accepted

III. Announcements
A. Introduction of New Senators

IV. New Business
A. The “Business” of the Faculty Senate –
Organizational Presentation by the Chair of the Faculty Senate, Joe Sumrall

B. Caucus by Schools and Liberal Arts Groups to elect members of the Committee on Elections and the Committee on Committees.

The University Committee on Committees
Chair, William Scott

The Committee on Elections
Chair, Chris McCurdy

Applied Sciences: Scott Owens

Education: Sidney Rowland
Engineering: Fan Yang
Law: Paul Secunda
Library: Elizabeth Stephan
Liberal Arts I:
Liberal Arts II: Diane Marting
                        & Kathleen Wickham

Liberal Arts III: Jeff Jackson


Accountancy: Judith Cassidy

Applied Sciences: Janice Bounds
Education: Ray Fulton
Engineering: Alexander Yakovlev
Law: Donna Davis
Library: Greg Johnson
Liberal Arts I: Laura Sheppardson
Liberal Arts II: Daniel O’Sullivan
Liberal Arts III: Alice Cooper
Pharmacy: Chris McCurdy

C. Caucus by Senate Committees to elect chairs postponed until Senators indicate subcommittee preferences. Appointments based on preferences will be made by the Executive Committee by the February 2005 Senate meeting.

V. Other Business?

VI. Motion for Adjournment