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Minutes for the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
May 12, 2005 4:45 PM

Thad Cochran Research Center ( Natural Products Center), Room 2066

Meeting began without quorum at 4:51

 Present: Robert Albritton, Tony Ammeter, Donna Davis, Garey Fox, Jamie Harker, Greg Johnson, Mark Lewis, Milorad Novicevic, Scott Owens, Elizabeth Payne, Sidney Rowland, Paul Secunda, Elizabeth Stephan, Dan Subramanian, Joe Sumrall, Joe Urgo, Nancy Wicker, Kathleen Wickham, Kristine Willett, Alexander Yakovlev

Absent:  Edmund Acevedo*, Janice Bounds, Judith Cassidy, Alice Cooper*, Laurie Cozad, Conrad Cunningham, Walter Davis, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam*, Ray Fulton, Matthew Hall, Jeffrey Jackson, Ivo Kamps, Fred Laurenzo, Diane Marting, Chris McCurdy, KB Melear*, Jennifer Mizenko, Daniel O’Sullivan, Michael Repka, Bill Scott, Laura Sheppardson, Warren Steel, Mary Thurlkill, Randy Wadkins, Michael Waterstone, Charles West, John Winkle, Haidong Wu, Fan Yang*

* Prior Notification

I. Old Business

A. Minutes of the April 14, 2005 minutes_20040400.html

II. New Business

A. Message from the ASB Student President- Rebecca Bertrand

B. Administrative Academic Council Response to Faculty Senate Motion

C. Sub-Committee End of Semester Reports

            a) Academic Support- Chair Stephan

             SEMI-RESOLVED Issue 1-05 Need of Emergency after 5:00 Technical Assistance

·         No staff/money; call them directly and they can train you; they have formed a committee to look further into problem

            b) University Services Committee- Chair Johnson

            RESOLVED Issue 4-05 Faux Pine Straw          

            c) Faculty Governance- Chair Urgo

            RESOLVED Issue 3-05 Non-Residency & Faculty Spouse

            RESOLVED Issue 5-05 Committees Being or Not Being Convened

Issue 7-05 Judicial Council Formation - guided to Chancellor’s list of standing committees

            d) General Academic Affairs- Chair Bounds

            Issue 2-05 Administrative Review- Motion developed

·         academic council wants to work with executive committee to resolve matter

Senator Discussion

Records are a matter of public record before rehire; executive committee handle as long as objective is met

Issue 6-05 Rewording of Post Tenure Review

·         this action would include initiating existing procedures for the termination of tenured faculty for just cause

            e) Financial Committee- Chair Wicker

III. Other Business?

A. Faculty housing; expanding law school parking lot; alternative walkway is steep; safety issue. The University Services Committee will draft a letter to send, under Faculty Senate President’s signature, to Terron Jones, Director of the Physical Plant, suggesting the following actions be taken:

a)      Provide safe walking path, handrail, lighting

b)      Prohibit construction equipment/trucks not block driveways

c)      Require construction equipment/trucks slow to 5 mph

d)      Improve communicate to residents regarding project

e)      Construct a fence or barrier on the residents sign that indicates construction site

IV. Motion for Adjournment

Adjourned without a quorum at 5:21