Ronald E. McNair Program

Jennifer Crimiel
Name: Jennifer Crimiel
School: Alcorn State University
Major: Business Administration
Mentor: Dr. Jeanette Martin
Expected Graduation Date: May 2007 
Organizations & Honors: 
• ASU Sounds of Dynamite Marching Band-Purple Flasher
• Walt Disney World campus representative 
• McNair Scholar 
• ASU Dean’s List 



CQ/Language: A Barrier to Success

Some expatriates do not naturally possess the ability to adjust easily in new cultural settings; thereby, hindering the successful completion of a global work assignment. Adequate research has linked high levels of cultural intelligence (CQ) with global success (Thomas & Inkson 2004). Language is also vital in developing a higher CQ. Because language is a determinant of cognition and perception, removal from linguistic environment disables ones from conceptual framework to explain ideas and opinions (Chaney & Martin, 2007). Early and Ang (2003) developed a model of cultural intelligence that consists of cognitive, motivational, and behavioral facets. This paper focuses on why individuals who are successful within their own cultures are not as successful globally. More specifically, this paper addresses the questions: How does language affect an individual’s cultural intelligence success when crossing cultures; where in the cultural intelligence model does language belong, and the paper poses a theoretical model of cultural intelligence that includes language as a main effect of cultural intelligence for international businesspersons