Ronald E. McNair Program

Kimberly Nicole Bryant
Name: Kimberly Nicole Bryant
School: Mississippi Valley State University
Major: Elementary Education
Mentor: Dr. Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham
Expected Graduation Date: May 12, 2007 
Organizations & Honors: 
• MVSU Honor’s Program
• Resident Assistant 
• MAE/NEA Student Organization (MVSU Chapter) 
• Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society 



Is No Child Left Behind Really Leaving Our Children Behind?

No Child Left Behind (NCLB), a federal law defined by a set of standards was mandated nationally to ensure acceleration in student performance and teacher quality. Another purpose of this law is to establish accountability results and to improve the inclusiveness and fairness of American education. This research analyzes the drop-out rates since the law came into effect to examine if the law accomplishes its intended goal, or if , in fact NCLB does the exact opposite. In addition, this research examines how “high-stakes testing,” can actually encourage students to drop out of school. 

Another perspective of the law is the narrow curriculum. With so much emphasis on reading and math, many teachers find it extremely challenging to thoroughly teach other subjects such as English, Social Studies, and Science. This research examines the effects of this strict and narrow curriculum on the teacher as well as the student, and determines whether the outcomes coincide with the definition and goals of the law. It has been four years since this law was enacted in 2002. This time span is sufficient to evaluate whether the law is effective. This research indicates that it is not.