Ronald E. McNair Program

Patsy Rhodes
Name: Patsy Rhodes
School: Tougaloo College
Major: Sociology
Mentor: Dr. Alison Ford
Expected Graduation Date: May 2008 
Organizations & Honors: 
• Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society
• Pre-Alumni Council 
• McNair Scholar 

This program has been a great learning experience. It has also opened many doors for my future.



Knowledge and Perceptions of College-Aged Students Regarding Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis occurs in older adults; however, the precursor for the disease develops in young adults when bones are still forming. Therefore, Osteoporosis prevention should begin when bones are forming, not when the disease manifests, and preventive behaviors must be continued throughout one’s young adult and older adult years. 

Knowledge regarding this disease is critical. Research indicates that young adults do not engage in osteoporosis- preventing behaviors, know little about the calcium rich, and do not know the recommended amount of calcium that is needed daily. The present study examines osteoporosis knowledge and behaviors of college-age students in order to later develop osteoporosis prevention programs.