Ronald E. McNair Program

Name: Shawanda Cummings
School: Tougaloo College
Major: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Karen Christoff
Expected Graduation Date: May 2007 
Organizations & Honors: 
• Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society
• National Dean’s List 
• McNair Scholar 



Internet Use, Loneliness, and Self-esteem

The purpose of this study was to explore relationships among loneliness, self- esteem, and Internet use among college students, and, more specifically, to explore the relationship of loneliness to Internet use. Subjects were 57 students who completed the UCLA Loneliness Scale, the Rosenberg Self- esteem Scale, and an Activity Questionnaire on which they reported the amount of time they spent on the Internet over the past week. There was found a significant correlation between loneliness and self-esteem (r = .770, p <.001), and non-significant correlations between Internet use and the other two variables. However, analysis of variance conducted on loneliness scale scores for high Internet users (mean 7.3 hours in the last week) and low Internet users (mean 1.8 hours in the last week) yielded a significant result in that high Internet users were more lonely than low Internet users (p = .014).