Analysis of Antenna Arrays Using Personal Computers

An antenna array is a group of antennas arranged in such a way to produce a radiated field with specific radiation characteristics that cannot be achieved by a single antenna. There are several configurations used for grouping individual antennas into arrays. The most common array configurations are linear (uniform, nonuniform, binomial, etc.), two-dimensional (circular, rectangular, etc.), and three-dimensional (cubic, spherical, etc.). Different aspects of the analysis of antenna arrays have been dealt with in several text books. Computer aided instructions are also available for selected types of arrays. The objective of this software package is to provide a comprehensive coverage for the analysis of antenna arrays that can be used for undergraduate education. The "ARRAYS" (version 2) software package is designed to help students understand, in an interactive and visual procedure, the analysis of many types of antenna arrays using the principle of pattern multiplication. Furthermore, this software provides a visual response, almost immediately, of the effects of changing any of the antenna parameters on its radiation pattern. This feature is important in familiarizing students with the elementary patterns of different types of antennas before using them in an array.

Version 2 of "ARRAYS" is developed as an upgrade of the first version of "ARRAYS". The most important features of this upgrade are: menu windows that can be controlled with a mouse or keyboard cursor keys; multiple planes for calculating and observing the radiation patterns (the user can now choose three planes of observation which can be toggled during the viewing screens); single item editing, (the user can edit a single piece of data instead of re-inputting the entire list of data); the ability to save the computed radiation patterns for future display and analysis, user-defined data for element patterns and pattern scanning for specific levels by two distinct pointers.

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