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Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
Thursday, February 14, 2002, 7:00 p.m., Room 113, Conner Hall

Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7 p.m.

Present: D. Adler, M. Aiken, J. Bentley, L. Bombelli, W. Chen, C. Eagles, J. Ford, G. Herrera, A. Kishk, K. Knight, F. Laurenzo, P. Malone, A. Mark, J. Martin, C. Ochs, R. Oliphant-Ingham, M. Overby, J. Reid, D. Rock, J. Schetz, B. Smothers, K. Sufka, J. Urgo, C. West, N. Wiggers, D. Wilkins, S. Wolcott, M. Zarzeski, J. Zjawiony

Absent: E. Acevedo*, A. Ajootian*, B. Alidaee*, J. Aubrey*, B. Barkdoll, D. Barker*, N. Bercaw*, C. Brower*, L. Cozad, J. Czarnetzky*, S. Davis*, K. Dellinger, R. Elam, A. Fisher-Wirth*, A. Quinney*, K. Swinden*, M. Tew*, A. Trefzer*
*Prior notification

I. Announcements
A. Update from meetings with the Chancellor and Provost,
Donna Adler, Faculty Senate Chair

Meeting with the Chancellor:

Meeting with the Provost

B. Update from Council of Academic Administrators' Meeting, Monday, February 11, 2002, Senator Overby, Chair of Governance Committee

Provost made several announcements:

C. Elections Committee Nancy Wiggers is now the Chair of the Elections Committee

D. Ad hoc Senate Committee: headed by Senator Overby to explore faculty governance issues in the Honors College Honors College faculty requested that the Senate investigate the replacement of the Director of the Honors College. An ad hoc committee has been appointed: Marvin Overby, Aileen Ajootian, Susan Wolcott, Ahmed Kishk, and Donna Adler.

E. Reorganization of the Business School The Chancellor, Provost and Dean of the Business School all offered to speak at the next Senate meeting. There is a Senate task force currently focusing on possible Senate roles in this issue which will consider future speakers.

II. Old Business
Minutes of the January 17, 2002 Senate meeting were approved without dissent.

III. New Business
Date for March Faculty Senate Meeting
, Executive Committee proposed the motion that an extraordinary meeting be called on Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. due to Spring Break. The motion passed without dissent.

Meeting officially adjourned at 7:23 p.m.

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